OnlineNIC: Important SSL Notification on SHA-1

Google has announced that it plans to phase out SHA-1 (SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm) support because SHA-2 offers better security. These changes are expected to take effect in the production version of Chrome version 39 planned for November 2014. To respond to this change, we strongly recommend that you and your customers replace SHA-1 SSL certificates with SHA-2 SSL certificates.
Please note:
● In, all new Symantec or GeoTrust SSL certificates begin using SHA-2 as the default;
● SHA-1 root certificates are not impacted by the SHA-1 deprecation plan;
● Replace the existing certificates with a SHA-2 certificate at NO additional cost via the reissue workflows;
● The new intermediate certificates need to be installed when the end-entity certificates are replaced. They are available via downloads at the following locations:
Symantec   GeoTrust   RapidSSL 
● Here is an additional resource for your reference:Symantec SHA-1 Information page
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
OnlineNIC Inc.


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